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Showing posts from December, 2015

Six Myths about Medical Transcription as a Career!

The information that’s afloat about medical transcription career is bizarre! While some may be genuine misconceptions, most of them come from people who have no idea about the in’s and out’s, which is what makes it a little hilarious! Medical transcription (MT) is a very challenging field. Once you get trained you work from anywhere you can get an Internet connection. There are several benefits such as non-traditional hours, part-time or full-time options, as an employee or as self-employed independent contractor. MT field is has a lot going in its favor! 1.     Medical transcriptionists can work and take care of the kids at the same time If you’re imagining yourself typing at the keyboard while your little ones play around, pat yourself and wake up! There’s no way you can transcribe medical reports and take care of children at the same time. Transcribing needs utmost concentration and focused attention, both of which cannot go hand in hand looking aft...