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Showing posts from June, 2017

The importance or breaks and how to use them effectively -Avontix

You perhaps want to take a break right now, as you read this. BUT, your to-do list is packed with unchecked items so you cannot afford to, is it? Back of our minds we all know there definitely a better way to do things, but we’re just so occupied and lost in everyday mundane living  that we don’t care to make time to find it. So we just continue to live in mediocrity. Here, we suggest a rather simple method to shift that mode – See for yourself, the power of taking breaks at work . They sure make you happier, focused and productive, whether you’re sitting together with everyone or in a cubicle. Read along and see why breaks at are so indispensable and how to use them effectively. Scientific reasons to take breaks at work: Breaks help us keep away boredom and help us stay focused: When you kick off work, you may be in a high energy mode, but as hours pass by you may not have the same level of enthusiasm. Brain becomes a little dull and rather unfocussed. Som...